Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Ceiling that Shattered

I have always been an avid reader. And because I love to read, I developed a fine love for words… for when they are put together well enough, I am drawn to the emotion of the sentence. A few simple words can make an individual laugh, cry, or get downright mad. A couple of nights ago, instead of reading, I had the pleasure of hearing some great words from what will become our great nation’s next great President. President-elect Obama’s victory speech seared with a passion that could only come from his heart. From the soul of this man, I heard a true desire to not only be equal on our great land, but united. To end the bitterness that has driven through the very fibers of our beings due to the torturous and segregated and tumultuous plights of our ancestors. I heard on that day that I can feel free to release the anger, distrust, and distaste borne from the happenings of our ancestors. On this day, it is okay to encourage my neighbor, to praise my sister, to lift up my brother, and love my fellow American. On this day, I am no longer fighting to be equal. On this day, I truly feel American. So now, as we begin this transition we must unite. Stand together not as a White American or a Black American, but just be. American. I am so proud of the people that chose to select this man as President. But I am also proud of those who voted for his opponent. We all have a voice, and we all have the right to be heard. Now it is time to realize that the competition is over, unity is necessary, and the work will be hard but required. We grew up hearing that United we Stand, but DIVIDED WE FALL. So stand up, stand tall, and stand proud! Because together we are the USA. Obama, himself, said that there is no White America, and no Black America. There is no Jewish America or Christian America. No Latino America or Asian America. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. There is a lot of pain in our past, but my plea to you is to let it go so there will be much joy in our future. Fundamental differences may always exist. But a familial plight can keep us moving to secure our nation so that we may prove once again that we are the best and strongest nation in the world. Not agreeing is fine. We can agree to disagree. But once decisions have been made, it is time to stand together, and make the best thing happen.

The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... Americans together should all recognize this right. No longer must we struggle or fight. No longer must we bow down or turn away. No longer do we have excuses for not being able to succeed. No longer do we lie down and bear no faith because of our history. No longer must we feel shunned because of the color of our skin, or the texture of our hair, or the hue of our eyes, or the sound of our voice.

We are still climbing upward… but from this point forward, we must climb upward… and do it together. No longer must we fear dreaming big, thinking big, becoming big. We are Big!

Today is the day that we declare our independence—together! God Bless our great nation! God Bless the United States of America!